Author Archives: Joan

Christ is risen – Christ is rising

Christ is rising in the fertile eggs protected by Mama Goose’s wings as she sits on her carefully feathered nest. Christ is rising in the bright yellow daffodilspushing up through the rich brown earth, reaching for the sun’s warm light. Christ is rising … Continue reading

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Dust to Dust

Dust to Dust – A Reflection                   By John Houk When we lived in a multi and diverse Church environment in Eastern Kentucky, Joan discovered opportunities to bring Churches together for some common celebration.  Ash Wednesday was one such opportunity.  I have memories … Continue reading

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We Are Thankful for These Things

Bikes and balls and sunny sky,Flowers, fruit and corn grown high,Critters, birds and kittie cats,Snow and sleds and soft warm hats, Rain and ponds for catching fish,Cake with ice cream in a dish,School and books and fun vacations,Cups of tea … Continue reading

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An October 2020 Reflection

An October 2020 Reflection written by John Houk  While Joan is “busy with many things” I have time to reflect, and October is my favorite month.  I remember another October when Joan was invited to participate in the ordination of a … Continue reading

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Season of Creation

Inferno on the ground; toxic air above.Fleeing; can’t breathe. Hurricane winds from above; surging waters from below.Houses gone; life is drowned. Are you listening? Citizens of the U.S.A., are you paying attention? This is the Season of Creation, September 1 … Continue reading

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On Labor Day

Labor – A Reflection           by John Houk Our home has seen a steady procession of people who work with their hands.  Masks were worn and doors and windows were open, and I stayed upstairs in the chapel to avoid exposure to COVID-19.  Joan … Continue reading

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Feast of the Assumption of Mary, Mother of Jesus

We can honor Mary on this feast day by remembering that she was, and remains, part of our world, our personal and natural world.  Pope Francis reminds us over and over that the natural world and we are not separate, and … Continue reading

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Feast of St. Mary of Magdala, the Year 2020

In the Gospel according to John 20:17-18, we read: Jesus said to her,  “Do not hold onto me because  I have not yet ascended to the Father.   But go to my brothers and say to them,  ‘I am ascending to … Continue reading

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Surprising Reflections on the Feast of Pentecost 2020

John Houk Where is the Holy Spirit?  Experts on the subject think that she can be wherever she wants to be.  But how do we know where she is?  She is where she acts.  You can ask and hope that she will act, which … Continue reading

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Holy Week – Easter Epilogue

My reflections during this Holy Week 2020 was intended to encourage you to remember the end-game story of Jesus’ life, which has become our Christian Holy Week Myth.  That’s nice, but there is a much deeper reason for these reflections, … Continue reading

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