These weeks, days and hours
have been filled with xenophobia, hatred and violence.
Christ have mercy on us.
To God’s People at Tree of Life Synagogue,
and to the people of Pittsburgh,
We are with you in your pain.
Peace be with you.
These weeks, days and hours
have been filled with xenophobia, hatred and violence.
Christ have mercy on us.
To God’s People at Tree of Life Synagogue,
and to the people of Pittsburgh,
We are with you in your pain.
Peace be with you.
May you be spiritually blessed during the Triduum:
Holy Thursday Eucharist, a day of remembrance, a meal of thanksgiving, and washing of the feet as symbol of service.
Good Friday, a day of sacrifice, of making holy; a cross, symbol of compassion and goodness, arms outstretched to embrace us all in God’s love.
Holy Saturday, welcoming people into the Body of Christ through the waters of baptism.
Easter Sunday, rejoicing in the Risen Christ. New Life!
Christ has risen. Christ has risen indeed. Alleluia! Alleluia!
May God shower many blessings upon you in the New Year 2018!
Come, Holy Spirit, breathe down upon our troubled world. Shake the tired foundations of our crumbling institutions. Break the rules that keep you out of all our sacred spaces, and from the dust and rubble, gather up the seedlings of a new creation.
Come, Holy Spirit, enflame once more the dying embers of our weariness. Shake us of our complacency. Whisper our names once more, and scatter your gifts of grace with wild abandon. Break open the prisons of our inner being, and let your raging justice be our sign of liberty.
Come, Holy Spirit, and lead us to places we would rather not go; expand the horizons of our limited imaginations. Awaken in our souls dangerous dreams for a new tomorrow, and rekindle in our hearts the fire of prophetic enthusiasm.
Come, Holy Spirit, whose justice outwits international conspiracy; whose light outshines spiritual bigotry, whose peace can overcome the destructive potential of warfare, whose promise invigorates our every effort to create a new heaven and a new earth, now and forever.
Credited to Diarmuid O’Murchu
It can create magic.
It empowers people.
It lightens spirits, calms the soul and generates love.
It is there when you need it.
It is selfless and it is joyful.
It knows no bounds and reaches to the edge of existence and life itself.
It is friendship.”
My friend’s daughter wrote this in memory of a life long friend. Anonymous
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and put a new and steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
and do not take your holy spirit from me.
May our loving God bless you and keep you.
May God’s face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.
May God look upon you with kindness, and grant you peace.
Numbers chapter 6
As in times past we need you, Christ Jesus.
Come and bring us together in your love, your mercy, your compassion.
Heal us in our pain and fear.
Help us to see the needs of others, and to reach out to them in compassion.
Come, Christ Jesus.
Roman Catholic Womenpriests:
Catholic Women Ordained? How? Who? Why?
Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. EST
First Unitarian Church
801 E. Washington Street
South Bend, Indiana 46617
Bishop Joan Houk, and newly ordained Susan Vaickauski and Kathy Rolenc, will talk about their experience of being Roman Catholic Womenpriests in a Church that does not ordain women. History of the RCWP movement with standards and credentials for ordination and personal stories will be shared.
For information contact Joan at 724-612-3842 or [email protected].
Sponsored by Call To Action-Michiana, a progressive Catholic organization working for justice and equality in the Church.
Blessings to you,
Blessings of peace,
Blessings of simplicity and
Blessings of wonder of God’s awesome creation
Blessings to you on St. Francis’ Day!