Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 2013

A reflection from my experience of making and chasing huge bubbles with my grandson while on vacation last week:


Just as the bubble floats upward and then disappears, where is it now?  It had been here where I could touch it, wetting my hand–where it would sting my eyes with its soap if its bursts in my face–where I could see the direction of its travels.  It was here; where is it now?


Mary was here–where she gave birth to Jesus–where he touched her face–where people saw her with Jesus, and watched her walk with him on his journey.  She was here; where is she now?


When the bubble is gone, we only have memories of it–we tell the story of watching or chasing the bubble.  Mary is gone to a place where we cannot touch or see her; we only have memories and stories handed down from the people who knew her.  The stories of joy and sorrow, anticipation and worry, fulfillment and loss, hope and promise.


When we are gone, what will the memories be?  What stories will be shared with others?  Yes, there will be the stories of joy and sorrow, anticipation and worry, fulfillment and loss.  Will there be memories of love and compassion?  Will there be stories of helping and caring, of faith and hope?  What memories are you creating today?


In joy and hope,


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